Todopuebla.com is the smart online directory, dedicated to connecting the citizens of Puebla valley, Mexico with local services, events and entertainment options in and around the state. From finding a local restaurant to satiating midnight snacks craving at night to a hit cinema that is running in a nearby theatre, Todopuebla helped citizens to find all.
Business Challenges
- The client needed an intuitive website with additional features for other categories of services in their online directory.
- They wanted to make the entire experience interactive, intuitive and user-friendly for the citizens as well as business owners.
- They depended on admin moderation and hence only had about a couple of hundred businesses listed in the directory. They needed more popularity and new businesses to sign up.
- 32 %Increase in Business Registration
- 26 %Increase in User Count
- 10 %Increase in Website Traffic
- 37 %Boost in Mobile Page Views
Here’s How We Did
What We Did:
With our fully integrated platform, they could enhance their directory of local listings into a more updated and comprehensive one. The updated site gave citizens the power of better interaction with local businesses and avail exclusive offers. The portal became a part of the daily lives of the citizens of Puebla.

Putting Users First
- Navsoft redefined the look and feel of Todopuebla.com by focusing on the convenience of the citizens of Puebla earning them the loyalty of the locals.
- User Registration feature empowered users to create their own account, post reviews, or create listings on the site.
- New ‘Entertainment’ category was introduced to list cinemas, local events, and photos of top events for intuitive searching.
- A map was integrated on the site to visually prompt / look up preferred activities and services from nearby local businesses.
- Newsletters were being sent out regularly to keep the citizen updated about all local events or any new business listings.
- Users could also log in through Facebook account and share their plans and activities.
New Widget – A Double Win for Todopuebla
- A widget was embedded on the site to list ongoing movies and top events exclusively and became a unique selling point.
- The widget appeared on the websites of all top newspapers in the valley of Puebla.
- The widget boosted the search results, skyrocketed the traffic and surged the overall online ranking and performance

Growth Engine for Local Businesses
- Top businesses could now list themselves on top, underpaid big, mid-size or small banner categories.
- Small businesses could list themselves free by simply registering themselves.
- Listed businesses, events and promotions started selling more with the number of visitors multiplying.
- Todopuebla became a popular platform for businesses to connect with the citizen.
- We integrated Google Analytics to track user engagement and response for businesses to learn what’s working and what’s not.